Thursday, September 26, 2013

Man's Vest

In addition to the pants pattern, I borrowed this vest pattern from TITP.  It had no instructions, but luckily I've made enough vests now to know basically what to do.  When I got stuck I had the Simplicity 5037 instructions to refer to, which I'd also borrowed.

I didn't just do fake front pockets, but real ones! That took most of the time. 

I'm really not loving the back.  It looks kinda girly to me -- like those collars we used to wear in the early '90s.  I'm guessing I just need a better pattern?

I'm not sure what I'll do for buttons, maybe self fabric?

I got my inspiration from these:


Because I didn't love the collar I posted this at The Civilian Civil War Closet on Facebook for some advice.  Here's what some of the "experts" said.

  • This looks more like 1830s style vests.
  • A shawl collar would come further down in the front.
  • The back of the collar needs more shape, more tailoring.  
  • 1860s collars should hug the neck, not fall away from it.
  • The Past Patterns vest has very good instructions and turns out well.
  • Laughing Moon, Martha McCain (Simplicity 5037), and Galla Rock patterns are also good.  (Although, the 5037 looks earlier to me???).
  • Pre-1875 vests had 3 pockets: the two lower ones, and one upper one likely at an angle on the left garment side.


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